Nobody Wants This

Who am I?

I’m Anne Lutz Fernandez, a former businessperson and teacher who writes about education, transportation, politics, culture, and books.

For twenty-plus years I taught English in public middle and high schools. Before that, I was a consumer products executive and I spent a decade in investment banking specializing in mergers and acquisitions.

With anthropologist Catherine Lutz, I wrote Carjacked: The Culture of the Automobile and its Effect on our Lives (Palgrave Macmillan) and Schooled: Ordinary, Extraordinary Teaching in an Age of Change (Teachers College Press). My writing has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Guardian (UK), NBC News, The Washington Post, and elsewhere. 

Why a newsletter?

I started the newsletter as a place for the questions, thoughts, and rants I once put on Twitter. Subscriptions are free. Every new edition goes to your inbox.

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education, culture, books, politics, transportation, and the ordinary extraordinary


Former marketer, investment banker, & English teacher: pick your ad hominem. Books: Carjacked and Schooled. Writing in Boston Globe, Guardian, Washington Post, NBC, Al Jazeera, Hechinger, Streetsblog, Catapult. Cranky in the morning.